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L520A Psyche at the Bath Pl.I
L520B Psyche at the Bath Pl.II
L535 Ulysses Deriding Polyp.(Sm)
M057 Diva Magdalene
M227 Shrine of Cupid
M228 Triumph of Love & Beauty
N095A Sappho Listening to Cupid
N095B Sappho Embracing Love
N114 Venus and Cupid
N195A Psyche
N195B Cupid & Psyche
P059 Finding of Perdita, The
S979 Venus et Les Gracea au Bain
T981A Cupids - Pl. I (Oval)
T981B Cupids - Pl. II (Oval)
W230 Apollo & the Sibyl
W231 Dido's Fleet at Carthage
W232 Building of Carthage, The
W479A Nomia discovered by Daphnis
W479B Daphnis repaid by Nomia