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H132 Last Watch, Khartoum
H136 Nelson Trafalgar Oct.21
H153A Retreat of Mamalukes
H153B Charge of Mamalukes
J111 Tel-el-Kebir
J130 Armada in Sight
J140 Allied Generals (& Key)
J143 Lucknow (& Key)
K046A Highlanders 42nd - Sentry Box
K046B Highlanders 42nd - Plate 2
L184 Grenadier Guards Ensign
L476 Bravest Man in England (W'loo)
P073 Shahs Horse Artillery
P148A Dinner Round
P148B Preventive Check
P148C Just Joined the Regiment
P148D On Duty
P148E Regimental Orders
P148F Baggage Guard, The
P644 Gun Carriage
P673 Admiralty in 1725, The