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W004B Got Him
W012A Departure
W012B Rendez-vous
W012C Fatal Stoop
W012D Disgorging
W020A War
W020B Peace
W074 Izaak Walton's Song
W079 Fishing Under The Ice
W089A Game Birds - PL I
W089B Game Birds - PL II
W212A Shepherds Reposing
W212B Weary Sportsman, The
W401 Hunters Going Out in the Morn
W402 Beating Sugar Canes for a Hog
W403 Chase after a Hog, The
W404 Hog hunters - tigress and cubs
W405 Hog at bay, The
W406 Dead Hog, The
W407 Return from hog hunting
W408 Driving Elephants